
The Concept of Cross-points in the Contemporary Arts Histories Research

The main focus of attention are the problems that the researchers of art history in Bulgaria in the 20th century meet. The idea of searching for cross-points of different elements and trends in various arts – theatre, cinema, literature, fine arts, music is discussed. The text was first published in the book “Rethinking History of Arts in the 20th Century”, Sofia, Institute of Art Studies – BAS, 2015, pp. 21-39.
The main focus of attention are the problems that the researchers of art history in Bulgaria in the 20th century meet. The idea of searching for cross-points of different elements and trends in various arts – theatre, cinema, literature, fine arts, music is discussed. The text was first published in the book “Rethinking History of Arts in the 20th Century”, Sofia, Institute of Art Studies – BAS, 2015, pp. 21-39.
Йоана Спасова-Дикова

Joanna Spassova-Dikova

Professor at the Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her scientific research interests are focused on various performance and cultural practices from the past and the present days. Her publications include several monographs, as well as numerous articles on performance arts and culture in specialized encyclopedias and periodicals at home and abroad. She has twice won the Icarus Prize of the Union of Bulgarian Actors for the best critical text. She is a lecturer at several Bulgarian and foreign universities and a leader and coordinator of research projects in the country and abroad.